viernes, 3 de febrero de 2017

"Believing is not a matter of choice, but of conviction" - (testimony)

The decision to join the FSA, I took it to see here on the internet, the video of a little girl of no more than 4 years old sobbing for her dead family (father, mother and little brother) in an air attack with sarin gas executed by the regime Assassin of Assad.

Months later, when I saw on Twitter the little Aylan's caddy, I knew that, even from a distance, I had to do something for denounce the crimes of Assad's regimen (no matter that people even call me crazy), so I had the opportunity to be a witness with my best friend, when it all started in the fall of 2010. In fact, we witnessed the first riots by Assad's aviation over Damascus...(of which we logically fled and in that escape, we had our first contact with the people of the FSA, near Wadi Barada)

We arrived in Syria for something else, not for playing guerrilla! We arrived as UNDP cooperators by the way, to study the feasibility of a project of drinking water supply in Wadi Barada but, for a change, luck played us dirty once again and within four days of being in Damascus, we had to live the start of the "party"!

Now, my friend, she is the foster mother of the little girl of the video and they both live very quietly in some secluded corner of Germany, far from the war....and she,now far from everything, is only focused on her child and in her husband (recently i knew it that she married)

For almost two months and unfortunately, we had to be eyewitnesses of the first exódos that desperately looked for the borders of the Lebanon and Turkey ....

Syria today struggles to free itself from a murderous scheme that only responds to the great interests of the Russian mafia colluded with Putin. It is not at all a struggle to impose a retrograde Islamic fundamentalism. Don't. It is a struggle for a freedom even of Religion! To make Syria an example where both Christians and Muslims demonstrate that they can live in peace, in healthy coexistence based on respect, based on knowing that your freedom reaches as far as where the other begins.

It's that simple ....

In fact, in case if you don't know, many of the members of the FSA militia are Christians, from different branches: There are Catholics (as your servant), Copts and obviously, there are Muslims and although I have not seen it with my own eyes and Clinging to my memories, I know that in their camps they must coexist in a clear harmony united by a common goal: Freedom!

But one thing has been clear to me in these last days: That Freedom, is still very far from reaching because now, the Assad regime has a new "ally", perhaps even more arrogant and xenophobic than what may be Putin: Donald Trump.

Hopefully, there is someone who has the courage to make the new US president see that based on DECRETAZOS ("executive orders" as they call them) DOES not govern a country that has more than 200 years to boast of being the example of Democracy on a universal scale. (When, in fact, the very existence of the 2 same political parties is the clear evidence that there has NEVER been such a "Democracy"!)

A person who clearly came to the first magistrature of his country on the basis of a technical coup, can not and does not have the right to impose his wrong will on the World! You do not have that right! You have no right to make a great country the greatest dictatorship in history!

All countries, without exception, deserve respect. Be the crazy ones, but they deserve respect! Trump does not have the right to see less and to humiliate Latin America as he is doing! Or is it that his reptilian superiors are telling him to have that way of acting so stupid to his Latin American neighbors? I remind you that the country is called UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, NOT AMERICA! AMERICA IS THE WHOLE CONTINENT!

Francamente,veo jugar a mi pequeñito de 2 años y al ver como a cada segundo que pasa el Mundo se cae a pedazos,me entristece pensar en que si mi pequeñito llegará a la última estación: Esperanza.-

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